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来源:广东网    更新时间:2010/9/2 16:12:54  阅读[8744]

  I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.

  1. Traditional farming involved the open field village, a system that dated back to the ____century.

  A. 4th

  B. 5th

  C. 6th

  D. 7th

  2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. The open field system provided a good opportunity to experiment.

  B. The open field system wasted land.

  C. The open field system was wasteful of labor and time.

  D. The open field system made livestock farming difficult.

  3. Which of the following statements is NOT considered a characteristic of farming in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?

  A. Use of artificial fertilizer.

  B. Introduction of new agricultural machinery.

  C. The 'Open-field' system.

  D. A system of crop rotation.

  4. Land enclosure was a disaster for the ____evicted from their land by the enclosures.

  A. landlords

  B. tenants

  C. farmers

  D. wage laborers

  5. In Ireland and Scottish Highlands land enclosure led to mass emigration, particularly to ____.

  A. Africa

  B. Eastern Europe

  C. Asia

  D. The New World

  6. By the early 19th century, Britain had a road network of some ____miles.

  A. 115,000

  B. 120,000

  C. 125,000

  D. 130,000

  7. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before ____.

  A. 1918

  B. 1920

  C. 1928

  D. 1945

  8. In 1836 a group of ____and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men's Association.

  A. householders

  B. tenants

  C. skilled workers

  D. office workers

  9. The six&nb


  sp;points of the People's Charter were achieved gradually over the

  period of ____, although the sixth has never been practical.

  A. 1836-1848

  B. 1842-1848

  C. 1848-1908

  D. 1858-1918

  10. Parliament passed the Combination Acts of 1799-1800 to forbid the

  formation of ____.

  A. a new government

  B. societies

  C. communes

  D. unions

  11. The Labor Party had its origins in the ____, which was formed in January,1893.

  A. Independent Labor Party

  B. Grand National Consolidated Trade Union

  C. Amalgamated Society of Engineers

  D. Trade Union Congress

  12. Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the ____led by Mrs. Pankhurst before the First World War, votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918.

  A. Luddites

  B. Suffragettes

  C. Chartists

  D. Levellers

  13. The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo on June 28, ____, when the Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.

  A. 1913

  B. 1914

  C. 1915

  D. 1916

  14. As a result of the First World War settlement the ____was established in 1920.

  A. League of Nations

  B. British Commonwealth

  C. British East India Company

  D. United Nations

  15. After World War I political unrest in Britain led to ____general elections in just over 5 years.

  A. 2

  B. 3

  C. 4

  D. 5

  16. The Blitz radically changed the face of London for the first time since ____nearly 3 centuries earlier.

  A. the Black Death

  B. the Great Fire

  C. the Civil War

  D. the Great Plague

  17. The foundations of ____was laid in the late 1940s, providing free medical care for everyone and financial help for the old, the sick and the unemployed.

  A. the welfare state

  B. the Nat


  ional Health Service

  C. the compulsory education

  D. the Women's Liberation Movement

  18. In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became

  world famous and turned their hometown of ____into a place of pilgrimage.

  A. Manchester

  B. Blackpool

  C. Liverpool

  D. Sheffield



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